1, male mosquitoes only suck nectar

  Female mosquitoes feed on blood and cause pain, while male mosquitoes fly in and out of flowers, feeding solely on nectar.

  2, puzzled by the smell of chocolate

  Carbon dioxide emissions from humans attract and cause mosquitoes to feel excited, because we cannot stop breathing, and therefore cannot prevent their covert attacks. But researchers found that certain odors, such as mint, some fruit, and caramel chocolate, made it impossible for the mosquitoes' carbon dioxide detector to fail and it was hard to spot the next vampire.

  3, mosquitoes can detect carbon dioxide discharged by humans 30 meters away

  Mosquitoes can detect carbon dioxide gas is 30 meters away, they emit carbon dioxide through the nose and mouth, mosquitoes are attracted by the head of people, which is why people often will pat in the face of the mosquito bite when sleeping.

  4, dengue virus makes mosquitoes more bloodthirsty

  Female mosquitoes have been unable to hold back the need for blood, and researchers have discovered that dengue, a virus that can spread from the mosquito's body to humans, promotes mosquitoes to crave more blood. Dengue virus can manipulate mosquitoes genes, so that it intensifies the desire for blood, but it will also activate the gene, strengthen the mosquito's olfactory ability, making it more bloodthirsty.

  5, mosquitoes found smelly socks will lose sense

  Not only can mosquitoes suck blood on the subject, these intelligent animals can also control the behavior of the host organism, thereby increasing the probability of disease spreading. Scientists have found that mosquitoes infected with malaria prefer longer, more frequent blood sucking than non infected mosquitoes. Another study showed that mosquitoes infected with malaria are attracted to human sweat, and scientists used this pair of socks in an experiment to confirm this.

  6, after the bite, the saliva of mosquitoes gives rise to itching

  When a mosquito to find their prey, it will dive rushed over its nose into the victim's skin, when it will be a blood sucking residual saliva, as anticoagulant, facilitate again after the vampire. However, humans have immunity to mosquito saliva, but the saliva will make people skin unbearable.

  7, not all mosquitoes carry West Nile virus

  Of the thousands of known mosquito species, the West Nile virus is present in 60% of species. Birds of this virus in Culex and ordinary city (robins, northern cardinals, sparrow etc.) between the circulating. Nearly 80% of patients infected with West Nile virus do not show any symptoms, but some patients suffer from abnormal anger, coma and death.

  8, Alexander the great may have died of mosquito bites

  Alexander is the great Macedonian monarch, conqueror of the Persian Empire, ever lost a battle, believed to be the most successful in the history of the commander, but his death may be hand infected with West Nile virus caused by mosquito bites.

  9. Mosquitoes are slow flying insects

  Generally speaking, mosquitoes weigh 2-2.5 mg, and the seemingly lithe body can achieve steady and rapid flight, but this is not the case. Mosquitoes fly at speeds of 1.6-2.4 kilometers per hour, and they are the slowest of all flying insects.

  10 mosquitoes are the most deadly animals in the world

  People usually think that tigers, sharks, snakes are the most dangerous animals. In fact, mosquitoes are the most deadly animals on the earth. According to statistics, the number of deaths from mosquito bites is more than that of any other animal, because mosquitoes can transmit diseases such as malaria and dengue fever. According to the World Health Organization, a mosquito can infect more than 100 people. In Africa, malaria can kill one child every 45 seconds on average.