1, pay attention to hygiene

  Avoid water, children at home, try to avoid raising aquatic plants at home, if you pay attention to change water at least 5 days. At the same time, the mother must timely wipe sweat for the baby, and pay attention to take a bath, change clothes, keep skin clean.

  2. Mosquito nets

  Pay attention to choosing the right mosquito nets and avoiding sleeping with mosquito nets.

  3 、 mosquito catching lamp

  Mosquito traps are best placed at places higher than the knees, and no more than 180 centimeters away from the ground. The best place is under the corner and under the table. When using mosquito traps, all other indoor light sources should be switched off. Add a little water and add some vinegar in the insect collecting box of mosquito catching lamp, and the mosquito catching effect is better. The principle and function of electric mosquito swatter are similar to that of mosquito catching lamp.

  4. Chemical insecticides

  Not to cannot but do not use pesticides, use should pay special attention to, so as not to harm to the baby.

  5. Electric mosquito coils

  General efficacy can be maintained for 6 to 8 hours. Keep the air circulating when using electric mosquito coils. Alternately use different brands of mosquito coil, so as to avoid mosquito resistance.

  6, mosquito repellent

  It's mainly used when people go out or go out. Baby with easy lick poisoning, not the best.

  Antipruritic methods for mosquito bites

  1, with a little salt or toothpaste, painted on the affected area, can relieve itching feeling. If you itch too much and go out without any supplies, you can use your own saliva, smear it on mosquito bites, and also relieve itching.

  2, with Calamine Lotion or compound, anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, analgesic effect of Compositus Mentholi Cream, usually 3 to 5 days, red skin will automatically disappear.

  3, chlorpheniramine antipruritic. With a piece of chlorpheniramine, dip saliva repeatedly rubbed bite, antipruritic effect is also very good.

  4, Liushenwan antipruritics. Liushen Pill taken 10, ground and use vinegar or warm boiling water into a paste, apply mosquito bite, daily 3 ~ 5 times. The General Administration for 1 to 2 days, reduce redness, itching disappeared.

  5. Fresh purslane stem and leaf swelling. Fresh stem Ye Shaoxu purslane, in the hand rub water, rubbed surface of the skin with itching swelling effect.

  6, cactus juice, aloe juice can play the role of anti-inflammatory, swelling, itching.